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The Addis dogs

Ching was part Shepherd, part Chow and all black. Chows are known for protectiveness of family and he certainly did have that quality. "My mother and dad got Ching six months before I was born. He was part Shepherd, part Chow and all black. Chows are known for protectiveness of family and he did have that quality. Perhaps he was not friendly with the rest of the neighborhood, but to me, he was my best friend. In fact he was more like an older brother, if a dog can be so termed. He was always there, a necessary part of our family.

When I was really little mother made me a red riding hood cape. On Halloween Ching and I went around as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. This was wonderful and people gave a lot of favorable comments. I remember on rainy days I would sit on the front porch with a pile of library books and a big umbrella, arm around his neck reading. He liked to sit by my side.

About 1940 when he was 11 and I was soon to be, someone fed him some meat laced with glass. I have a vague remembrance that it happened on our notorious La Marido St. Dogs roamed in those days and I suppose someone was frightened of the big black dog.

It was terrible to me. I cried for two weeks. I could not believe anyone could be so cruel. We all know better today but at that age in those times it seemed impossible. I kept thinking he would return.

Miss Scholl would have us sing Stephen Foster songs. When we sang 'Old Dog Trey, ever faithful. Time will not take him away. He was gentle. He was kind and I'll never ever find another dog like Old Dog Trey,' it always brought tears to my eyes and I had trouble singing."                                       ---Julianne

Lady and her puppies

Tau, the Cullison dog

Cullison's dog, Tau 1944-1945     Tau with Walt Selvig Tau 1944-1945

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